LanTen`s HeatPlus™ Home Energy Monitor HEC 3.1x uses Smart Meter technology to deliver a state-of-the-art Home Energy Centre that offers a number of unique features:
- Low operating costs
- Heat , gas, electricity or water metering
- “ Pay as you Go” or “credit mode”
- Remotely interchangeable mode without site visit
- Credit payment by SMS
- Accredited by ISO 27001
- Friendly credit periods
- Debt recovery
- Wireless Technology
Our HeatPlus™ metering solution provides a range of benefits to both Landlords and Tenants including:
- Fully automated system enables low operating costs and less debt risk
- One system fits all sites
- Automated and secure payment system
- Compliant with international banking security standards
- Tenants manage payment and fuel usage
- No disconnections out of hours
- Tenants can select emergency credit
- Historical debt can be recovered
- Simple retrofit with wireless technology
HeatPlus™ is a fully accredited, robust; OFGEN based proven wireless technology system. All our metering solutions use smart meter technology and operate an open protocol system that enables Landlords to have the flexibility to switch energy suppliers, after a minimum contract period, without the need to change their equipment.
Click on the following link to find out how the HeatPlus™ range of smart meter energy management solutions could benefit your business.
For more information on LanTen Heat Meters and HeatPlus™ call our Customer Service Team on 08454 707 222