LanTen’s new HeatPlus™ Heat Metering Solution uses state-of-the-art GPRS wireless technology to deliver effective energy management and payment collection community heating solutions to Landlords. The HeatPlus™ Heat Metering solution is designed to put landlords in financial control.
Energy bill payment shortfall exposes Landlords of Community Housing stock and their executive teams to considerable mismatches between the cost of purchasing primary fuel and the recovery of this cost from individual tenants.
HeatPlus™ uses Smart Meter technology to deliver a range of metering services that are designed to assist landlords to bill and collect revenue from both legacy Community Housing sites and state of the art low carbon Smart Homes.
Heat meter suitability
HeatPlus™ Heat Metering technology is suitable for range of applications including:
- Community heating
- Domestic hot water
- Electricity
- Natural gas
- Domestic cold water
- Harvested rainwater / grey water
- Renewable electricity
Recover your tariff payment shortfalls
LanTen’s energy management solutions aim to reduce tariff payment shortfall, thereby recovering vital cash flow in a manner completely consistent with social landlords’ charters. Furthermore, the metering structure can accommodate standing charge payments to cater for the non-tariff costs of operating the system.
More about: HeatPlus™ Heat Meter Technology