
LanTen Energy SuppliesLanTen’s Energy Management Services provide invaluable support to Landlords of both existing community housing stock and planned developments. Our service is designed to help Landlords recover cash flow in a manner that is completely consistent with the Social Landlords Charters.

Energy Management designed to eradicate tariff payment shortfall

Our Energy Management Services are delivered through state-of-the-art Energy Metering technology which is suitable for the metering, billing and collection of a range of services in both legacy sites and state of the art low carbon Smart Homes.

LanTen Metering Technology is designed to reduce the substantial and persistent energy bill payment shortfall that can expose Landlords to mismatches between the cost of purchasing primary fuel and the collection and payment from the Tenants who use the energy.  These payment shortfalls can be more acute in new developments where mandated private energy networks require the Landlord to assume considerably more financial risk in constructing the energy supply, purchasing fuel and loss of energy within the local distribution network.

Find out more: HeatPlus™ Home Energy Monitor & Controller